Sundays @ 10:30 AM

Welcome to Hillsboro Mennonite Brethren Church

A Family on Mission

Join Us on Sunday at 10:30 am
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What to expect at HMBC

Sundays at HMBC are a special time for us! It's the day of the week we come together to worship Jesus Christ, spend time together as a multi generational church family. We want to make you as comfortable as possible, so here are a couple things that you can expect on your first visit to HMBC!

  • A warm family friendly environment where casual attire is welcome
  • Clean, safe, and fun children's experiences
  • A worship experience that combines both more traditional elements as well as contemporary features
  • An engaging and relevant message
  • A service that begins at 10:30 and ends at approximately 11:45

We're so glad  you are checking us out

Hillsboro MB Church is a friendly place with a deep love for God and all people! We are not a perfect family but we are one that has found life and purpose in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are a family in which you will feel both loved and challenged. We hope you will join us and quickly find a home here where you can live out God’s calling on your life. Join us here at the service time on Sunday mornings for our live worship service.

Let's Get You Connected

"We are hardwired to connect with others, it's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it there is suffering." Brené Brown
We long for connectedness.  We have a need to be known.  At HMBC we desire to get to know you.  We don't want you to be just another face in the crowd, rather, we want you to feel like you have a place, that people know who you are, and that you have a church family to walk along side you through the good times as well as the hard times.  Let us help start you on your road to become connected.

Home Groups

At HMBC we know it is hard to feel seen and deeply known in just a Sunday morning worship setting.  We encourage you to find a smaller home group setting that fits your life situation and schedule and connect with a smaller group of people to share and do life with.

Get to know us

Who are the MBs?
Have you ever wondered about the Mennonite Brethren?  Do you want to know what we believe at HMBC?  Getting to know us is an important step in connecting you to HMBC's  story and our mission, vision and values!  


Share your gifts and talents
God has given each individual a unique set of gifts and talents.  At HMBC, we want to help you discover those gifts and talents and encourage you to use those talents to do kingdom work as well as giving you another way to connect with others at HMBC.

Membership and Baptism

Biblically, baptism is a crucial step in our walk with Christ.  Membership of a local church family is not required, but is encouraged as a way to connect with a church family and to find that sense of belonging to something bigger that God is doing in the world.  We invite you to consider both in your journey at HMBC.