MDS is a volunteer network through which various constituencies of the Anabaptist church can respond to those affected by disasters in Canada and the United States. While our main focus is on clean up, repair and rebuilding homes, this activity becomes a means of touching lives and helping people regain faith and wholeness.
MCC seeks to demonstrate God’s love by working among people suffering from poverty, conflict, oppression and natural disaster. MCC serves as a channel for interchange by building mutually transformative relationships. MCC strives for peace, justice and the dignity of all people by sharing our experiences, resources and faith in Jesus Christ.

MBMSI has a vision to see “holistic church planting that transforms communities among the least reached”. Their purpose is to operate global Christian mission programs by training and sending missionaries to all parts of the world, as well as financing mission programs in cooperation with international partners. This purpose is in response to the mandate given to us by Jesus Christ: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19.
The U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches is a family of about 200 diverse congregations that is committed to church multiplication and evangelism, intentional disciple-making and leadership development.
Our desire is that each local church will reach its full, God-given ministry potential within the framework of our evangelical and Anabaptist distinctives. We want to develop a community of churches that connect and network with one another, sharing resources and ideas and gathering for fellowship and learning.
Our desire is that each local church will reach its full, God-given ministry potential within the framework of our evangelical and Anabaptist distinctives. We want to develop a community of churches that connect and network with one another, sharing resources and ideas and gathering for fellowship and learning.