Sundays @ 10:30 AM

Leadership Team Nominations

The Nominating Team is requesting your help with identifying and submitting nominations for Leadership Board positions.  We are needing two new Leadership Board members for the upcoming year (2025 calendar year), which will be 3-year terms.  None of the current Leadership Board member’s terms will expire at the end of this year, but we are looking to add two additional members to the Leadership Board. 
With your help, the Nominating Team will create a list of potential candidates for the Leadership Board.  The Nominating Team will then prayerfully discern and evaluate the nominations to determine two candidates that will be on the congregation’s affirmation vote that will take place at the Annual Business Meeting later this Fall. 
Please prayerfully consider members of the church that you think might be a good fit for the Leadership Board and then submit your nominations to one of the Nominating Team members listed below, by July 7.  You can either place this form in one of the Nominating Team’s church mailboxes, put it into the offering boxes in the sanctuary, or use the HMBC App to submit your nominations (go to Resources>Forms).  Also please be praying for the Nominating Team as we discern the nominations for the Leadership Board.
Nominating Team:  Robert Rempel, Jenny Rector, Bill Hein, Ryan Loewen, Joe Sechrist, Jeremy Matlock, and Kerry Hein
Spiritual Qualifications for Leadership Board:
The following is a list of spiritual qualities that a leader should be aspiring toward, as found in 1 Timothy 3: 1-7, and Titus 1: 5-10.  These are also found in the HMBC Leadership Board Ministry profile
  1. Above reproach
  2. Faithful marriage or singlehood
  3. Temperate
  4. Prudent
  5. Respectable
  6. Hospitable
  7. Able to teach
  8. Free of harmful addictions
  9. Not self-willed
  10. Gentle
  11. One who manages own household well
  12. A good reputation with those outside the church
  13. Love what is good
  14. Just
  15. Devout
  16. Not a new convert

Leadership Board nominations